
Mixed Me! Trivia Contest

Wednesday, Mar. 23rd 2016

Mixed Me! Trivia Contest

In honor of our fans and supporters, we are excited to announce our Mixed Me! Trivia contest!

Starting Thursday March 24th, we will be posting a Trivia question every day on our blog until Sunday March 27th! The winner will be chosen at random from those who provide the correct answers to all four questions.

Answers to the questions can be found in the Mixed Me! book. We will also provide hints and clues with each question for additional help.

At the end of the week, just email MixedMeTrivia@gmail.com with your answers.

A winner will be chosen at random from those with all correct answers. The winner will get to choose a shirt of their liking from the Mixed Me! collection (some sample shirts below). If you have questions please post in the comments below.

Thank you and good luck!

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